
Ott Software j.d.o.o offers you services around software development with offices in Svjeta Nedelja - Croatia.

Steffen Ott is a Senior Software Developer with over 13 Years of professional work experience as a Full-Stack-Software Developer and also 13 Years of programming as a hobbyist. Studies of Technical Computer Science in Konstanz (Germany), which resulted in a "Diplom-Informatik (FH)" degree - somewhat similar to a bachelors or masters degree.

Worked through the full development life-cycle of an application from designing architectures and API's to implementation and testing. With an in depth of experience in all areas of application development. Worked in Scrum Teams and mostly with Microsoft .NET technology.

Skilled in designing API's, multithreading, networking and like to have architecture responsibility.

Contact me or if you want to read a little bit more look into my profile.

With best greetings from Croatia ...